Tick & Mosquito Offense (207) 812-1974

Repellent Options

When you are looking for repellent options, it helps to have a good dog in the hunt. Tick and Mosquito Offense has you covered and can point you in the right direction.

Let's assume you have created a treated zone around your home and grounds for your family and pets. That's all well and good when you are at home. What about when you, your family and pets are outside this zone?


Tick and Mosquito Offense has become affiliated with Insect Shield. We highly recommend them as an additional line of offensive measures. You can send your clothes directly to them for spray treatments or you can also purchase treated clothing from them.

Insect Shield
Insect Shield

Although it is estimated that 75% of Lyme disease cases are contracted within a 100 of the home, it is of little relief if you're the one falling into the 25% margin.

Sawyer Repellents

Here are some proven repellent options that may work for you, your family, and pets when you are outside your treated barrier.