Tick & Mosquito Offense (207) 812-1974

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are just a few of the frequently asked questions that we've recieved from customers. You can click on any of the questions below to view answers.

1) How much do your spray treatments cost?

We offer free estimates of your property and grounds using a measuring wheel to determine your outer perimeter barrier. Your outer perimeter barrier is measured in linear feet and can be up to 20 foot wide in areas, where higher pest populations are suspected.

Other areas such as around your house, lawn and hot spots will be customized to fit your needs and then combined to equal your total square footage. To control higher pest populations, covering larger ground areas may be required.

The average house lot cost is $150.00 per treatment. The actual cost will be determined during the site evaluation.

2) What Treatment Plans Are Available?

Treatment Plans Available: Ticks

  1. Spring / Late Summer or Fall
    Two Treatments per year plan targets tick populations considered medium to high.
  2. Spring / Summer into Fall
    3 to 4 Treatments per year plan scheduled every 6 to 8 weeks target tick populations considered high to extremely high.
  3. The Tick Box Tick Control System (TCS) can supplement your spray treatments. Using one or more of these boxes around flower beds, vegetable gardens and other mice and chipmunk populated areas; you can target places not reached by sprays. TCS can also be a no spray option when used in greater numbers. This system has proven to be one of the best long term tick reduction methods.

Treatment Plans Available: Mosquitoes

  1. Six Treatment Plan targets high to extremely high populations typically treating every 3 weeks or less throughout mosquito season. The first application is weather dependent, with the first treatment applied in late April to early May, continuing through the summer months. The last spray treatment would be in late August, with residual qualities lasting into September.
  2. Four Treatment Plan applies treatment every 3 to 4 weeks through the Late Spring/ Summer months. For the best results, we recommend keeping treatments as close to 3 weeks as possible. The treatment plan can be extended as necessary.
  3. Single Treatment /Special Events. For the best options and results, call us 2-3 days before the event.
3) How long will it take you to apply the barrier spray treatment to my yard?

Typically it takes 20 to 30 minutes to spray. Larger yards and grounds may take up to twice as long.

4) Do you spray the grass or just the surrounding borders of my yard?

We do not typically spray your grass for mosquitoes, but do for ticks on the first treatment. Mosquitoes usually don’t seek shelter in the grass, they are commonly found on the underside of leaves of dense/shrubby plants, under decks and in damp shady areas on your property. We do a pre-spray walk around to seek out the “hot-spots” where mosquitoes may be loafing. We do recommend that you keep your grass mowed during mosquito season.

In cases such as special events and large outdoor gatherings we will spray the grass where your guests will be.

5) Do your barrier spray treatments work on any other pests?

Our perimeter barrier and hot spot spray treatments target ticks, mosquitoes and fleas. Flies, gnats and blackflies are killed on contact. The blackflies and flies are strong fliers, so when there are high insect populations nearby, the residual and repellant effectiveness may be diminished.

6) What products do you use, and are they safe for kids, pets, plants and ponds?

The typical barrier spray product uses synthetic forms of pyrethrins called pyrethroids. Pyrethrins are the natural byproduct of chrysanthemum flowers. Synthetic pyrethroids have a similar chemical structure as the pyrethrins, and are used in a number of commercial products such as insecticides, pet sprays and shampoos, and even lice shampoos. The products are water-based, mixed in water and will not harm plants. There is a safe practices procedure for ponds when using EPA approved products. Pyrethroids are engineered to be deadly to certain pests, while they are safe for humans and pets when applied as directed.

7) Do I need to be home when you come to treat my outdoor area? How do I know the treatment has been completed?

You do not need to be home, just make sure we are able to enter the area we will be treating by unlocking gates or entryways. We will have obtained all the necessary information we need pertinent to your location when we complete the site evaluation. Pets must be put inside when we treat. They are also subject to the 30 minute wait time, or until dry.

Once the treatment is completed, we will place a state mandated cautionary lawn sign reminder, which tells you the date and time we were there completing our work.

Based on your choice of contact we will contact you either by email, phone or text if additional recommendations are necessary to improve your outdoor areas.

8) If it rains after my property has been treated, will this treatment still work?

As long as your sprayed area has about 30 minutes to dry after it has been applied, rain should not impact the effectiveness of the spray. Weather conditions such as a light mist or fog will not hamper the adhering process as long as it can dry several hours later.

Our products are designed to last so once they dry, only a fraction of the product can be physically removed by rain.

9) Do you offer commercial services?

We do offer commercial services. Our barrier sprays are a perfect solution for many commercial businesses such as restaurants/pubs and other businesses with patio areas. It is also a solution for campgrounds, playgrounds and sports fields. Daycare play areas and public parks can also benefit from our services.

10) Can you spray for a one-time event?

We can spray for a one-time event. This always makes an occasion such as a wedding or family reunion more enjoyable. Guests will be able to relax and enjoy the event without swatting mosquitoes and worrying about ticks.

11) Once you have sprayed, when can the area be used?

You must let the product dry, which is usually about 30 minutes depending on the weather conditions. Once the product is dry, it can be used by family and pets.

12) Do you treat indoor pest problems as well?

We do not treat indoor pest problems. If there has been effective treatment outdoors around your property, the likelihood of pests inside is greatly reduced. However, there is nothing any more invaluable than a fly swatter when needed, this is considered an IPM green option.

13) Will the treatment affect my swimming pool, lakeshore or pond?

Our treatment does not affect swimming pools.

As for treatment around ponds or lakeshores, the pyrethroids are hazardous to fish. When spraying at the water’s edge, we are trained to have our backs to the water to direct our spray away from the open water. Once the application has dried, it is safe for humans, pets and fish.

14) What is the difference between tick and mosquito treatments?

Tick treatments are more concentrated at ground level and last 6 to 8 weeks. Mosquito treatments last 3 to 4 weeks, with a noticeable decline in effectiveness towards week 4.

While some of the same pesticides are used to kill both ticks and mosquitoes, there are differences in the chemistry, unique to the species being treated.

Tick treatments are applied more horizontally, spraying bushes lower to the ground where ticks lurk. Mosquitoes, on the other hand, are sprayed more vertically, reaching up to 20 feet into the trees. The goal is to reach from the ground up into higher tree foliage where mosquitoes hide.

15) What about vegetable gardens and fruit trees?

We can treat your property with fruit trees or berry bushes before fruit appears. Once fruit has appeared we will spray around these areas. We will identify these spots during our site evaluation, noting what places should be avoided depending on the fruit/berry maturity.

16) What happens if we find ticks or mosquitoes after treatment?

Although larval, nymph and adult ticks will be killed at almost a 100% rate, it is possible for wild animals and pets going back and forth through the treated barrier to drop ticks off both coming and going. Tick eggs are more resistant to pesticides. The eggs can hatch weeks or months later after treatment. This is why it is important to have regular treatments to break this link in the tick life cycle.

It is not possible to guarantee a 100% reduction in mosquitoes. 85 to 95% is probably a more realistic expectation. Over time, with regular treatment, mosquito populations will decline.

17) Why is it so important to get an early start?

By mid spring, adult deer ticks will be laying up to 3000 eggs. These larval ticks will be hatching out in mid-August. The plan would be to kill these adult deer ticks before they can lay their eggs in May.

Mosquitoes are also maturing at this time. The goal would be to target them before they develop their wings and get off the ground.

18) What is the pesticide label signal word on your products you use?

There are 4 major classifications of pesticides. Danger Poison (skull and crossbones); Danger, Warning and Caution. We use the least toxic category which is Caution.

19) What about beneficial insects such as bees?

Our BPC training helps us avoid visiting bees by focusing our spray at the ground as well as spraying around heavily travelled areas.

20) Are personal repellants still needed?

Every location is different. Giving yourself another option is another level of protection whether it is a topical spray or impregnated clothing.

If you have pets moving back and forth through the barrier spray area, the chances of them coming back with ticks is a possibility. A tick collar may be something to consider.

21) Do ticks jump from trees?

Ticks quest in grass and small bushes. They do not jump from trees because their food sources are on the ground. They hitch rides from large and small animals including humans. When birds and squirrels are feeding on the ground, they can become hosts of the ticks.

22) Do you have an all-natural treatment option?

We do have an all-natural treatment option. This option is good if you have significant areas of vegetable gardens and/or ponds on your property. Prices for these options may differ from regular pricing.

It works by killing on contact and becomes a repellant once it dries. Our all-natural sprays contain botanical extracts from plants such as rosemary, peppermint and garlic among other natural oils. These all-natural sprays must be applied more often to be effective. They typically last 14 days.

Please note these solutions will leave either a strong garlic or rosemary odor in your yard for 1 to 2 hours after application. There is a safe practices industry standard 30 minute waiting time or until dry for both natural and synthetic treatments.

23) How much does the Tick Box Tick Control System (TCS) Service cost?

We offer free estimates of your property and grounds, using a measuring wheel to determine the outer perimeter. Boxes will be placed roughly every 30 linear feet along this perimeter. The average lot will require 8 to 10 tick boxes in the Spring season, and again in the Summer season. Each box including the install and removal service is $50.00 per season.

24) Do you have labels and Safety Data Sheets for the products you use?